Terblanche, 2019
Short summary: Career development and career change support are becoming increasingly important because the nature of work changes. At the same time, the researcher notes that little research has been done into factors that are important in supporting ‘career transitions’.
In this study, based on interviews with 27 managers (all working in South African companies) it was examined which factors in career coaching they considered to be of significant (transformative!) value. In other words, which career coaching techniques facilitated learning that had a lasting impact?
Of the 13 techniques studied, 5 scored higher on appreciation than others: active experimentation, questioning, reflection, challenging viewpoints and assumptions, and the use of theories and frameworks.
It was also found (in contrast to the more common view on coaching) that managers in transition value a directive, knowledge-sharing coach and that managers also confirm that reflection and experiential learning are important keys to success in a new role.
Link:Â https://bit.ly/3pX5jAO
Published in: The International Journal of Human Resource Management 2019
Research type: Qualitative
Number of participants: 22
Control group: No
Keywords: Career Transitions, Career, Transition Coaching, Transformative Learning