David, Clutterbuck, Megginson, 2014
Short summary: The importance of setting goals in coaching seems ‘obvious’. In organizations too, there is often a focus on clear results / goals. But does setting goals only have benefits? Or can it also have disadvantages? Does the context play a role?
In this article, the authors initially provide a very practical overview of the pros and cons. A handy overview for anyone who wants to know a little more about the effects of goal setting in order to be able to anticipate desired optimization or negative side effects. Next, the authors describe a study they conducted among 194 coaches (45 European, 149 American) to gain more insight into goalsetting.
The results can be summarized as follows:
Finally, the authors provide a number of possible explanations for the observed differences and effects.
Link: http://bit.ly/3beMxR5
Pubished in: International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring Vol. 12 No. 2 2014
Research type: Qualitative and quantitative
Number of participants: 194
Control group: No
Keywords: Goal setting/attainment, Goal orientation, GROW model