Keizersgracht 555, 1017DR Amsterdam

Know Yourself to Lead Others. Why Personality Matters.

Our subsidiary 3P Assessments is the Official Reseller for Hogan Assessments in the Netherlands.

In this role as a Partner of Summit in Copenhagen -the Official Distributor for Hogan Assessments in the Benelux and the Nordic Countries- they proudly collaborate on Summit’s  Annual Event on May 25th in the Radisson Collection Hotel, Grand Place Brussels.

The title of Summit’s Annual Event is “Know Yourself to Lead Others. Why does Personality Matter?”.

And we are very excited that Bob Hogan, founder of Hogan Assessments, will be the Key Note Speaker on this very relevant theme.

Because the world is changing, and it requires us to create relevant adaptations where leaders have a special task and responsibility when it comes to taking the lead. The global transition requires more than ever before that we develop our self-understanding, which calls for increased self-awareness and healthy mental balance. The quality of today’s workforce is under pressure and effective leadership must involve a more psychological focus because we cannot be content with using previous understandings of people, the labour market and leadership – we must develop and put other skills to use.

Based on Hogan Assessments and Summit’s leadership approaches, leaders, teams and organisations can work with heightening self-insight that predicts future success on the job. We must be able to better understand ourselves to be able to lead others and we must continue to strengthen relational skills to bring a diversity of forces into play through recognised and accepted diversity, to fulfil the goals and missions we are on as well as to be able to face the future appropriately robust, safe and open.

How do we do this? How can insights on our personality help with this?


For more registration and info, please visit Summit’s website on: https://summitlead.com/en/benelux-event-2023/

This is an invite-only event. If you are interested to participate, please an e-mail to 3P Assessments.


Raddisson Collection Brussels


25 mei 2023
08:30 AM - 01:30 PM